holiday blues

holiday blues
Feeling Overwhelmed

Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday Blues

How are you feeling right now?? The holiday season always either brings out the best in us or the worst. The gift giving, parties, merriment, family get-togethers, traveling, holiday plays, church services, all increase to a fever pitch this time of year. And so does depression.

In fact, the majority of men and women that I meet and train this time of year are generally extremely stressed, overwhelmed, and depressed about everything they have to do for the holidays, and also depressed about another year ending.  “I can’t believe this year is over already. Where did the time go?” are common things I hear; along with the questions: “Is there anything I can do about this stress?” and “Can I do anything about getting older?”  It always amazes me how we can put on the best face for our family and friends, while internalizing this kind of stress.

Well, the good thing is that exercise can play a vital role in bringing us out of the winter doldrums and holiday stress, and is one of the best and most effective anti-aging methods there is.  For stress, when we exercise, we release endorphins into our blood stream, which brings on feelings of happiness and well being. Exercise also increases blood flow and oxygen, which helps to clear out toxins from our body, and cloudy thinking. For anti-aging, stress increases cortisol production, which can accelerate the aging process. But exercise decreases this production and reverses the aging process from the cellular level. It also stimulates the body’s effectiveness in producing growth hormone, which plays a vital function in age reversal and rejuvenating aged cells.

We can’t always control the things that happen around us, and this includes our family, co-workers, and friends.  We can, however, have control over ourselves, and it’s this feeling of empowerment that many of us lose this time of year. Start by carving out time for yourself in the midst of the holiday madness. Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes 3 days a week.  Do a mixture of flexibility exercises (stretching, yoga, Pilates), aerobic activity (walking, running, treadmill and elliptical machines), and resistance training (stack weight machines, resistance bands, free weights).  And use this time for mental clearance of thoughts and responsibilities.  Exercise can be used both as a form of meditation as well as thought stimulation. Combine this with a balanced diet of carbs (fruits, vegetables), proteins (beans, meats), and fats (olive oil, nuts) in a ratio of 40/30/30, and you have a winning prescription to minimize winter-itis (including stress, depression, and feeling overwhelmed).
I once heard someone say, “it's exhilarating to be alive in a time of awakening consciousness; it can also be confusing, disorienting, and painful.”  Unfortunately, for many of us this feeling is more painful than exhilarating this time of year.  Empower yourself to have control over your body, and your mind. Exercise is not a magic pill, but it can be one hell of a partner in life, and a beautiful gift we give ourselves, especially during the holiday season.  This holiday season I wish health, happiness, and empowerment for all of you.

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